A procession branches into clouds of variation; one as many, many as one. The sound was created from the voices of Beijing schoolgirls reciting prose in unison.

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Mirroring the flux of dreams and memories, travel footage from a period of intense image gathering (roughly the 1990s) is woven into a grainy hypnotic tapestry; video into dream, dream into video. Dream Travel and Travel Dream are designed to be shown together.

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In this world, the Paris Metro is a teleporter. Branching timelines lead to peculiar spaces that contain only fragments of the original Metro.

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DVD projection with sound. Dimensions variable. Waves of variation reveal the contours of impossible form, as if the process of decay were reversed, causing delicate structures to emerge from the grain of chaos.

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A motionless camera stares at a city branching in time. The screen moves with half-real forms: a cross-section of probability space.

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